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Write Into The Week

Write Into The Week: Text

August 16th

What’s one weird belief you used to have as a kid?

    As a kid, I always thought it was illegal to have the overhead light on in the car while you were driving. I participated in many activities when I was young, leading to long nights and fast food trips. I was (and am) a messy eater, so a light was a necessity if I was eating in the car. My dad always told me that I could use the light if need be, but that I should turn it off if we passed another car. There was no explanation as to why, just that I would have to turn it off. So, naturally, I thought that meant it was illegal to have it on and therefore we were being rebellious by having it on. As I grew up and started driver’s education, I soon learned that wasn’t the case at all. It wasn’t illegal to have the light on. Distracting? Sure, but not illegal. It was a belief that stuck with me all throughout my childhood and well into my teenage years. I would describe it as shocking when I learned my belief was false.

Write Into The Week: Text

August 23rd

What’s one weird underrated quality you find attractive in a person? Why?

     It definitely sounds weird, but “handiness” (it’s not even a word but you understand what I’m saying). Like being able to fix the washer, hang up decor, etc etc. I love it when a person is able to help me with all the things I can’t do by myself. I think it stems from my childhood with a very handy father. I want to feel secure living alone with my significant other, so him being able to fix something when it breaks or what not makes me feel safe in a way. Thankfully, my significant other is the most handy person I know!

Write Into The Week: Text

August 30th

If you could be born in another era in history, which would you choose? Why?

    I would totally be born in the 1970’s. The reason? I think it would have been SO fun to be a teenager/young adult in the 1980’s. The ‘80s were rich in pop culture, with so much awesome music, television, and fashion. Whenever I think about the ‘80s, I think of The Golden Girls, neon EVERYTHING, and many awesome musical artists. I feel that the ‘80s had a much stronger pop culture movement, whereas today everything is more focused on news and politics. It seems like much more of a fun time to grow up in. My dad has told me stories about growing up in the '80s and '90s and the stories he tells are always so adventurous and cool. I feel like my childhood wasn't that exciting, so I definitely wish my teenage years were spent in the '80s.

Write Into The Week: Text

September 8th

When I’m angry, I tend to…

    Shut down. When my fight or flight mode kicks in, I start as a deer in the headlights and then fly away. I really hate confrontation. As a kid, my dad was very confrontational. Not in an abusive way, but as in he always wanted to be right and have the last word. My “survival” tactic was to just give in and be quiet. So now, I associate my anger with that, and I shut down. It’s definitely not healthy and boy do I wish I could win an argument just once, but I am working on it.

Write Into The Week: Text

September 13th

If your life were a video game, which level would be the most difficult to get through?

I would say level 17 (aka 17 years old). This was a really rocky point in my life. If someone were playing as me, they would notice that even when they thought they were making the correct choice, it would still end up wrong. There would be no instructions and it would feel like everyone was out to get them. They would be constantly tested and be forced to make really hard decisions. Honestly, I would title this level as “The End of Life As You Know It.”

Write Into The Week: Text

September 20th

What is one phrase you wish you could ban from everyone’s vocabulary? Why?

    “The grass is always greener on the other side.” I agree with this to a point. Yes, someone is always doing better than you. Someone will always be prettier, happier, more successful, and overall “better” than you. But who says you have to stay on your side of the grass forever? I feel like this phrase is basically saying “take what you’re given and be content.” Why not strive for more (in a healthy way)? Maybe take time to water your own grass. Give it nutrients and sunlight and all the things it needs to be green. Things like self-help, working out, meditation, education, etc are all ways to better yourself and make your grass greener.

Write Into The Week: Text

September 27th

If you could become Earth’s official tour guide to aliens, where would you take them? Why?

    I would take them to Chicago. Chicago is rich with culture, amazing food, and so many sights to see. In particular, I would take them to the Bean! This would probably blow their little alien minds… a random mirrored bean in the middle of town. Then, I would take them to see a Bears game at Soldier Field. This is prime American culture, so it would be perfect to show them what we are actually like. Finally, I would take them to Giordano’s, a Chicago staple. Deep-dish pizza would totally convince an alien to stay in America forever.

Write Into The Week: Text

October 4th

What’s something about your life now you would miss when you’re 80? Why?

I think I’ll miss my parents and family the most. I am extremely close to my family and it is already hard being away from them at school. I know when I’m older it will be hard seeing them pass on and having to deal with the grief of that. They are so fun to be around and they bring me a lot of joy throughout my daily life. I will miss their jokes, hospitality, and their love. However, I know they will be with God in Heaven which brings me a lot of peace.

Write Into The Week: Text

October 11th

Describe a new Olympic sport in which you would definitely medal.

    My sport takes perseverance, endurance, and skill. It involves many long hours of training and mental hardship. You would be away from your friends and family for an extended amount of time. The sport is called CouchSurfing, and I would most definitely take gold. I have trained for over a decade in CouchSurfing. I am extremely skilled in my craft. By watching Netflix, Hulu, Youtube, and HBOMax, I have the ability to endure the long, arduous hours that CouchSurfing requires. I would easily persevere past my opponents to stay on my couch the longest.

Write Into The Week: Text

October 18th

Imagine your daily routine had been turned into a reality show. Which parts would be most talked about? Why?

    I think my time in clinicals would be talked about the most. It takes up the majority of my time each week and can be sort of funny to watch. Lesson planning, teaching, failing, students, honestly everything is enjoyable to me. It might not be the most popular reality show, but I think teachers would enjoy watching it to see that other people experience what they do. 

    Another part of my daily routine that would be talked about the most would be my cooking. It is almost a horror/reality show. I haphazardly throw ingredients together, hoping something works. Sometimes, I manage to mess up cooking pizza rolls. Other times I make a 3 course meal with no hang ups. I think if I were to watch it back I would be so nervous and on the edge of my seat every time.

Write Into The Week: Text

October 25th

What's one sign that you would probably stay friends with someone for life? How do you know?

    I think one sign would be always being there for someone if you have the mental capacity to do so. I am always there for my friends, but if my mental state isn’t where it needs to be, they are understanding and take a step back. For example, my best friend and I haven’t talked much or seen each other in months due to both of us being too busy and not really having the mental space to be 100% there for each other. We still love each other and plan to hang out a ton over break, but sometimes it’s important to put yourself first. Having a friend that understands that shows they will be my friend for life.

Write Into The Week: Text

November 8th

Describe a moment that made you feel like a real grown-up.

    The moment I have is when I moved to college. I transferred to Illinois State halfway through my sophomore year. Previously, I had never been away from home longer than a week at a time. Moving was something I was definitely ready for, but had a lot of anxiety around too. Once I bit the bullet and decided to move, my quality of life drastically improved. My family and I became much closer as friends, and they started respecting me as an adult rather than treating me like a child. It was refreshing for me to be on my own and making my own decisions. It definitely made me feel like a real grown-up.

Write Into The Week: Text

November 15th

If you didn't have to sleep every night, what would you do with all the extra time?

  1. I would work on CLASSWORK. I think this would be the biggest timesaver ever. I feel like I am a hamster on a wheel, constantly chasing the finish line but never quite reaching it. If I never had to sleep, I could use some of this time to catch up on the work.

  2. I would EXERCISE. Simply put, there are not enough hours in the day for me to work out. If I didn’t have to sleep, I could totally work out more and be healthier.

  3. I would spend time with FAMILY. I’m assuming if I didn’t have to sleep, no one would. I would take all my extra time and spend it with my family because I do not get to see them enough. It would be helpful to have extra hours in the day to spend time with them.

Write Into The Week: Text
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