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Fear Story

Original Fear:

My fear is funeral homes. I’m not necessarily scared of them. It is more that they elicit a trauma response from me. I lost so many people close to me when I was young, to the point where it felt like we were attending a visitation three to six times per year. This was extremely hard growing up because I had to learn to understand this very adult concept at a young age. To this day, I hate going into funeral homes because they represent trauma, sadness, and lost innocence. I pray my future children never have to experience that like I did.

Edited Fear:

My fear is funeral homes. Not so much the fear of funeral homes themselves as the fear of the feeling they elicit in me. For some background, I lost so many people close to me when I was young, to the point where it felt like we were attending a visitation three to six times per year. This ended up making me extremely mature for my age because I had to handle grief and sadness, both of which are very adult concepts. I’ve learned that although funeral homes may represent trauma and loss of innocence to me, they represent so much more. Funeral homes can represent happiness and celebration for some, as their loved ones cross over into a happier place. It is not the funeral home’s fault that a loved one is gone, but they help ease the process of laying someone to rest. I am working on getting myself to that place, understanding that my loved ones might be gone, but they’ll live on forever in my heart.

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